Change WordPress Password From Phpmyadmin

How To Change WordPress Password From phpMyAdmin Safely?

If you are thinking about changing the password in WordPress then you would love to know about this method. I have explained the simple method to change WordPress password and changing WordPress username earlier.

But it’s good to know another method. Here in this blog post, I am going to tell you how to change WordPress password from phpMyAdmin? Many of you are aware of using cPanel but if you are not then it’s you will find this post interesting.

Steps to change WordPress password using cPanel :

Sometimes you may not able to open your login page so at that time you can’t do anything other than changing the password of WordPress. At that time you can’t change password directly so you have to use phpMyAdmin. There are some simple steps you have to follow.

Step 1). First, you have to login into your cPanel provided by your hosting service. After logging in you have to go to your database section where you will find “phpMyAdmin“. Click and a new window will appear in front of you.

Step 2). After going to that new page you will see many options in which you need to click on “Databases” because you have to choose the database for which you are required to change password. After clicking at “Databases” you have to select your database.

Step 3). Again you will see that a list whose each option is followed by prefix “wp_” from which you have to select “wp_users“.

Step 4). After clicking at “wp_users” again a new page will open where you will options of “copy”, “edit”, delete” from which you have to select “edit” where you will see a symbol of a pencil.

Step 5). This is the final step where you will see many options using which you can change your WordPress username and password too. If you want to change WordPress password then you have to change the input of the box appearing in front of “user_pass“. You will see that WordPress has created its password consisting many symbols, numbers. The Password will be complex due to security reasons.

You will see that WordPress has created its password consisting many symbols, numbers. The Password will be complex due to security reasons. Fill the password you want.

But before that, you have to choose “MD5” as the function from the drop-down menu. It would convert your password into the form which is WordPress friendly.

It is recommended that you should also choose a strong password which is hard to break. After filling your new password you have to go downward and save settings.

Have you ever changed your password?

Have you ever changed your WordPress password? Did you know that you can change password of WordPress using phpMyAdmin? Do you know the simple method?

Are you going to change it for security? You may in need to change your password to increase the security of your website. I hope this tutorial is going to help you.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi

    This is a great tutorial. As Websites become targets for hackers, it is necessary for everyone to be equipped with security tips to be able to curb such activity.

    I like the fact that you are giving everyone different methods of applying security on WordPress. I remember being hit by my site once and I had to use PHPadmin to change my username and password. I am definitely going to bookmark this tutorial for future reference.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hey Ikechi,

      Hackers seek for vulnerable websites and its better to improve the security for your website. Sometimes you may not reach to your log in page so you will in need to change your username and password using phpMyAdmin. As I have described earlier about changing password now it is an another way to do so. Bloggers should know different methods.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Have a nice day.:)


  2. WordPress security is of great concern. I haven’t tried to change password via Phpmyadmin yet.

    I am going to try to change password next time the way you have shown in the tutorial. A very handy tutorial. Thanks for sharing ?

    1. Hey Shabnam,

      Its good to see you.:)

      For sure you need to take care of the security of your blog and having a strong password is a must have thing. You can change WordPress password directly by visiting the login page by “forgot your password” but using phpMyAdmin you can do it perfectly as it is an alternative for you.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Have a great week ahead.:)


  3. Hi Ravi,

    It is very useful tutorial to everybody who have own website or blog. When a website/blog become famous, it is next target if hackers as most popular blog in technoly labnol is hacked perhaps two times. We all need to prepare for hackers with all security.

    I loved your way as you showed everything step by step to change password from Phpmyadmin in your tutorial . It is very easy to understand for a newbie also.

    Thanks to share such good tutorial ?

    Keep up your great work!


    Jyoti Chauhan

    1. Hi Jyoti,

      There are many famous blogs but they all keep it secure from hackers. You should also do that for your blog. Having a strong password gives you an extra level of security. If you get problem in logging in then you can go to phpMyAdmin to change your username and password with which you can approach to login again. And for sure sometime you may forget the password so you will be in need to change it.

      I am glad to know that you liked this tutorial. There are many newbies who try to seek for it. They should know that they can change their password anytime they want.

      Thanks a lot for your wonderful input.

      Have an awesome week ahead.:)


  4. Hi Ravi,

    The post contains adequate information for changing the password of WordPress. It is really helpful all. I like the way you explained the changing process step by step. Thanks for updating me.

    1. Hi Gurvi,

      Welcome to my blog.:)

      Its good to know that the tutorial acquire enough information which is required to change your WordPress password. For security purpose you will be in a need to change it for your blog. You can do it very easily.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your day.:)


  5. Hi Ravi,

    Great tutorial. I never knew that I can change my password through the cpanel from the phpmyadmin.

    Thanks for sharing this Ravi, it is important to know this stuff to secure our accounts better.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Be Blessed,


    1. Hi Neamat,

      You can change WordPress password using phpMyAdmin for sure. There is another direct way too which I have explained earlier. Sometime you may forget your password and at that time you think about changing your password which is necessary because without your password you can’t login. It is always recommended that you should use strong password to improve security of your website.

      Thanks for taking your time to visit.

      Have a nice week ahead.:)


  6. Hi Rohan,

    Amazing tutorial, Believe me I didn’t hear about this before.

    I am just amazed how easy it is to change password from php my admin. This tutorial will help everyone who become victim of any hacker or in any case.

    Thanks for sharing,


    1. Hey Mustafa,

      Its good to know that you found this post valuable.:)

      There are many bloggers who don’t know that they can change their WordPress password according to their own. Using phpMyAdmin you can do it very easily. As you can see in the screenshots that its very easy to follow steps.

      Thanks for your kind words.

      Have a great week ahead.:)


  7. Hi Ravi.

    Cool tip and your tutorials are nice and easy to follow!

    Not being able to open my login page isn’t a problem myself, or any of my clients have ever experienced so far, but never say never, that’s my motto. ?

    Changing the WordPress Password with phpMYAdmin isn’t something I’ve thought of before, so I’m going to bookmark this tutorial and keep it for a rainy day. I’m sure I’ll need it at some point.



    1. Hey Kerry,

      Good to see you.:)

      Like you just said that never say never. There may come something bad situation in which you need to change your WordPress password to login. You can change the password directly too by clicking at “forgot your password” but if you can’t able to access your login page? Though its not sure that you will reach to your website after changing your password but at least you can increase security level.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

      Enjoy your day ahead.:)


  8. Hey Ravi,

    This is a really nice tutorial. I didn’t know of this method before. Only the other one that you shared with us earlier.

    I like changing my password regularly for security reasons. I love this method as I can now change my password easily when I’m logged in my cpanel.

    Thanks for sharing this tutorial with us. It will help many bloggers protect their blogs.


    1. Hi Norbert,

      The method which I have discussed earlier is the easiest one but it can be followed only if you have access to your login page. Sometime you need to use cPanel and for changing your password you can use phpMyAdmin from where you can change your username and password both at once. Security for your blog is the major issue and you should improve its level.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your rest of the week.:)


  9. This method works?

    I am asking because the password is encrypted in PhpMyAdmin and i saw that my real password didn’t match with password in PhpMyAdmin.

    Anyways…. thanks for this post…..

    1. Hi Adarsh,

      For sure this method works. You are not able to see your same password because WordPress store your password in MD5 Hash not in plain text. For security reasons this step is taken. Many bloggers get confused when they don’t find the same password which they have for their WordPress in plain text.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your stay.


  10. Hello Ravi,

    I always seem to fall aback anytime I come across stuffs having to deal with php since my heart seem to pump abnormal. Let me be sincere, I have phobias for these but this is one tutorial which is precise and easy to do.

    1. Hey Kabie,

      It happens with many bloggers. You will find many who don’t even try to hook up with cPanel and all these technical stuffs. But its so easy to do if you just try once. By following the above mentioned steps you will reach to your goal.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your stay.


  11. Hi Ravi

    Wonderful info indeed.

    Either someone faces any logjam while signing into WP Cpanel or not, but changing the password with PhpMyAdmin is an effective way to avoid any kind of problem while getting into the admin page.

    All the steps are quite easy as you defined them in simple to understand terms.

    If someone forgets his password then also he can avoid going through the whole process of getting new password through registered email it is best to change the password with the way you mentioned in this post.

    Thanks for sharing this very useful post.

    1. Hi Muba,

      For sure people its good to change your WordPress password. Using cPamel is an effective way to do that because there is no problem while doing it. You can do is very easily. For many reasons bloggers should keep changing their password.

      I am glad to know that you have found this post helpful.

      Forgetting the password is the most common activity and people should know how to get a new one?

      Thanks for your input.

      Hope you are having a great day.:)


  12. Hey Ravi,

    Amazing tutorial dude. This is what we expect from you. Many newbies are unaware of such kind of things and stuff.

    You are doing a much appreciated job by helping ’em out. Even some pro bloggers don’t yet know what this stuff actually is.

    Do have a great week ahead!

    – Rohit

    1. Hey Rohit,

      Thanks for appreciating.:)

      You are right that most of bloggers are not aware about this thing. Changing your WordPress password may be hard but if you go through the above path then you can change it very easily.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a nice day.


  13. Hi Ravi,

    Wonderful tutorial it is. It seems very easy process for newbies. You are doing great work for newbies and who doesn’t aware about the same.

    You explained so well and in a very simple way which can everyone understand easily.

    Thanks for sharing this tutorial. Have a nice weekend ahead!

    1. Hi Nisha,

      Its good to know that I am doing something which can help others.:)

      There are many people who seek the solution to change their WordPress password. Its good to know alternatives. As I have explained the direct method, this is another way to do so. I hope beginners will learn from it.

      Thanks for your support.

      Have a nice day.:)


  14. Hi Ravi,

    Nice share indeed. This is really a simple yet powerful way to make your wordpress site more secured. Security of wordpress site is important for all of us.

    Thanks for sharing this helpful tutorial.

    1. Hi Kuldeep,

      There are many ways to improve the security of your WordPress website. In case you forget your password then its good to create a new one. You should keep in your mind that your password should be strong so that hackers can’t able to break it.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  15. Hi Ravi,

    This is a very straightforward tutorial, when this tips wasn’t yet popular I used it to rake in some $$$$ via fiverr but deleted the gig when orders wasn’t forth coming.

    I love the way you presented the guide in such a pragmatic way than newbie can get misled.

    Your step by step guide on this can really help a lot of persons.

    Thanks for sharing and do have a lovely week already.

    1. Hey Obasi,

      WordPress has many things to do with it. You just need to learn about them. Many bloggers think that they can’t change the password its because most of people say that. You usually see the “forgot password” option at your login page. Suppose if you can’t able to open your login page then you need to go to cPanel for getting a new password. You can even change the username with the same procedure.

      I am glad that you liked this post.

      Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts.


  16. Hi Ravi,

    Thank you for this tutorial in changing wordpress password from phpMyadmin. I was not aware on this to change the password but now I got an idea. Thanks a ton!!!

    1. Hey Vino,

      Its good to know that I could help you. You know I have met many bloggers here who are not aware about these kind of stuffs. Changing your WordPress password is somehow necessary to increase the security level of your website.

      Thanks for your input.

      Have a nice day.:)


  17. Hey Ravi,

    I’m first-time visit your blog, I’m happy and wonderful tutorial.It is really helpful for all like me.Thanks to share this awesome post with us.

    Have a nice day!

    1. Hi Komal,

      Welcome to my blog.:)

      I am glad that I could help you through this tutorial. When you think about changing your WordPress password then sometime you may face difficulties. Its better to know alternative methods for changing password.

      Hope to see you again.


  18. Ravi,

    Thanks for This post. I was trying to change my WP Password from PHPmyAdmin, but i was failed. After Reading your Post I have Successfully change my Password.

    Thanks a lot for this wonderful post.

    1. Hey Arpit,

      I am glad that I could help you.

      Actually there are many ways to change the password. But if you are quite technical then it’s better to use cPanel.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a nice week ahead.


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